¡@ CH030667 Carbide File Description: * Grit edge carbide file is ideal for sanding and smoothing out rough edges on ceramic tile and marble. * 5/8¡¨ (15mm) x 5-1/2¡¨(140mm), flat and rounded surfaces for straight and contour shapes.
Chih Tai Y&S Co., Ltd.
No.20, Lane 70, Sec.5, Yang-Hai Rd., Fu-Hsing Hsiang, Changhua, Taiwan
Tel:886-4-7764112 7771377 Fax: 886-4-7771692
P.O.Box: 107 Lukang E-mail: chihtai@ms16.hinet.net
Copyright © 2007 Chih-Tai Y&S Company Ltd.