CH091161 4Pcs Camshaft Locking Pin Set
Description: * A special 4 piece kit containing the necessary special pins required to lock the camshaft sprocket, flywheel and align the crankshaft and fuel pump when checking the valve timing on 2.0 and 2.4 litre chain driven engines and or replacing the timing belt on 1.4 litre engines. * Model: 。 FIESTA / FUSION 1.4 TDCI 02-04 。 Mondeo 2.0 TD / TDCI 00-03 。 Transit 2.4D 00-03
Chih Tai Y&S Co., Ltd.
No.20, Lane 70, Sec.5, Yang-Hai Rd., Fu-Hsing Hsiang, Changhua, Taiwan
Tel:886-4-7764112 7771377 Fax: 886-4-7771692
P.O.Box: 107 Lukang E-mail: chihtai@ms16.hinet.net
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