¡@ CH1214281 Windshield Wiper Puller Description: * The Wiper Puller is specially designed for use to remove the rear wiper arms with water jets included in the spindle of motorcars. * For use with Skoda, Audi, Seat, VW(Volkswagen) and other. * Always loosen the nut from the wiper arm BUT never totally remove the nut. * Removal of the nut may cause damage to the plastic arm of metal ferrule (where fitted). * Locate the hole of the bolt over the spindle. * Place the jaws of the tool under the wiper arm at the base of the spindle. * Tighten with fingers first. * Use 3/8" drive ratchet to 'dis-engage' arm from spindle. * Lubrication maybe required.
Chih Tai Y&S Co., Ltd.
No.20, Lane 70, Sec.5, Yang-Hai Rd., Fu-Hsing Hsiang, Changhua, Taiwan
Tel:886-4-7764112 7771377 Fax: 886-4-7771692
P.O.Box: 107 Lukang E-mail: chihtai@ms16.hinet.net
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